Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Many great poker players have recently played against a mysterious Swedish player, known as Isildur1, and they have all suffered a considerable bankroll lost.
The player, who so far wants to keep anonymous, has played over 85.000 hands with some of the pro poker players, increasing his bankroll in more than $6 million during the last months. Nowadays he is the second player that has made more money playing online poker, situated just behind Patrick Antonious.
One of the players who have suffered the biggest lost playing against the mystery Swedish was Tom Dawn, who has lost more than 3 million. Maybe that is why he is so curious to find out who is Isildur1. In fact, to satisfy his curiosity he invited the unknown player to the Million dollar challenge that is taking place this week, but so far it seems that the Swedish wants to maintain his secret identity.

Online poker

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